Aiming to engage sophisticated gamers with a premium brand experience, CRE8 not only designed top notch gaming keyboards and mice for MOUNTAIN, but also created equally attractive packages and an effective crowdfunding campaign to enhance overall customer perception.
One thing that MOUNTAIN values a lot is sustainability. Designers had to always bear in mind the importance of eco-friendliness while building high-quality boxes by integrating the brand CI elements with a sturdy structure; at the same time, still embedding wow factors in the unboxing experience.
Consistent Design Language
From the blueprint illustrating design concepts to the layered structure with drawers, it is a box that tells a story and generates excitement. The CI colors blue and black are incorporated for brand consistency, while the logo is cleverly used as a drawer pull handle.
Adopting a smart modular design approach, the box can be sold as a whole set or an individual kit that houses Cherry key switches and other accessories.
Be Green
The product packages are made to last; the materials used, paper and EPE, are 100% recyclable. On top of that, every purchase supports the Plastic Bank cause, which MOUNTAIN collaborates with to prevent 25,000 kg of plastic from reaching the oceans every year.
Designers followed the brand design language and devised a clean page layout for the crowdfunding platform. The explanatory images and GIFs along with well-arranged information hierarchy allowed consumers to easily view all features of the products, which enabled the campaign to reach its crowdfunding goal ahead of time.